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Niharika Mandal
Ph.D. in Biotechnology and over four years of experience as a medical writer. Her expertise includes writing and editing clinical documents such as protocols, clinical study reports, patient narratives, and manuscripts, in compliance with regulatory guidelines.

Ultherapy for Jowls

Benefits, Results, Takeaways

Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for sagging skin and jowls.

As we grow older, our skin’s collagen and elastin production gradually declines, leading to the development of jowls – those pesky, droopy areas along the jawline and neck.

Ultherapy for Jowls: Benefits & Results | Wilderman Cosmetic Clinic

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Thankfully, modern advancements in cosmetic procedures offer a solution that doesn’t involve invasive surgery.

Enter Ultherapy, is a non-surgical treatment that has gained significant attention for its ability to correct jowls and sagging skin.

How do Jowls Develop?

Imagine your skin as a springy mattress that keeps your face looking smooth and youthful. Now, as the years go by, this mattress starts to lose a bit of its bounce.

This is mainly because of two important proteins, collagen, and elastin, that decide how tight and flexible your skin stays.

Sadly, as you get older, your body becomes a little lazy in making these proteins, causing your skin to become less supple.

But that’s not all – there’s also the sneaky influence of gravity; a gentle but persistent force that pulls everything downward. This gravitational pull is especially strong in areas where the skin is thinner, like your cheeks and jawline. Slowly, the skin starts to stretch and sag, and voilà, you’ve got the beginnings of jowls!

Now, here’s an interesting twist. The structure of your face also changes over time. The bones beneath your skin might become less dense, and you could lose a bit of the fat that gives your face its youthful plumpness.

This shift in your facial architecture can contribute to those telltale jowls. But it’s not all fate and destiny – your lifestyle also plays a role. Sunbathing without sunscreen, puffing on cigarettes, and not giving your skin the care it deserves can speed up the jowl-formation process.

And let’s not forget your genes! Some lucky folks have a genetic head start when it comes to aging, while others might have a few more jowl-related challenges.

So, there you have it – a combination of factors, from collagen and gravity to genetics and lifestyle choices, all working together to create those interesting facial features we call jowls. While we can’t stop time, understanding these processes can help us make wiser choices to keep our skin looking its best for as long as possible.

How Does Ultherapy Correct Jowls and Sagging Skin?

Ultherapy swoops in as the superhero of skin tightening, ready to tackle those pesky jowls and sagging skin!

Picture this: your skin is like a canvas, and Ultherapy is the artist armed with a magical tool called ultrasound technology.

Unlike a paintbrush, this tool sends gentle waves of energy deep into the layers of your skin.

Now, these energy waves might seem like a friendly visit, but they’re actually creating a bit of controlled chaos beneath the surface. They heat up specific points in your skin, just enough to trigger your body’s natural healing powers.

It’s like waking up the construction crew of collagen and elastin – the proteins responsible for making your skin firm and elastic.

As these proteins get to work, they start rebuilding the scaffolding that holds your skin together. It’s like giving your mattress a new lease on life, making it plump and bouncy once again.

And guess what happens as your skin becomes more taut? Those jowls? They start to lift and tighten, giving your face a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Benefits of Ultherapy for Jowls

Non-Invasive: Ultherapy is a non-surgical procedure, meaning no incisions, stitches, or anesthesia is required. It is an excellent option for those who want to avoid the risks and recovery associated with surgery.
Precision: Ultrasound technology allows for targeted treatment of the specific areas affected by jowls, such as the jawline and neck, without affecting surrounding tissues.
Stimulates Collagen Production: Ultherapy jumpstarts your body’s collagen production, which naturally declines with age. Increased collagen helps tighten and firm the skin, reducing the appearance of jowls.
Natural-Looking Results: Since Ultherapy encourages your body’s natural regenerative processes, the results appear gradually, creating a more natural and subtle improvement in your appearance.
No Downtime: Unlike surgical procedures, Ultherapy requires minimal to no downtime. You can return to your daily activities right after the treatment.
Long-Lasting: While individual results vary, many people experience long-lasting effects as the newly produced collagen helps maintain improved skin tightness and texture.
Customizable: The treatment can be tailored to your specific needs and concerns, allowing for personalized correction of jowls and sagging skin.
Complementary to Other Treatments: Ultherapy can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for a more comprehensive rejuvenation strategy, enhancing overall results.

How Quickly Will You See Results and How Long Will They Last?

The timeline for seeing results from Ultherapy can vary from person to person. While some individuals might notice subtle improvements shortly after the treatment, the most significant changes typically become noticeable over the course of a few months.

Here’s a general timeline of what you can expect:

Immediate Effects: After your Ultherapy session, you might experience some initial tightness or a slight lifting effect. This occurs due to the immediate contraction of collagen fibres in response to the ultrasound energy. However, these effects are usually temporary and serve as an early indication that the treatment is working.
Weeks 4-8: The real magic of Ultherapy starts to unfold in the weeks following the treatment. As your body begins to ramp up its collagen production, you may start noticing gradual improvements in skin tightness and texture. At this stage, you might see a reduction in the appearance of jowls and sagging skin.
Months 2-3: The most significant changes tend to become more apparent around the two to three-month mark. This is when the newly produced collagen fibres start to remodel and enhance the structure of your skin. You may observe a more lifted and rejuvenated appearance, with a smoother jawline and reduced jowls.

Long-Term Effects: While individual experiences can vary, the benefits of Ultherapy often continue to evolve beyond the three-month mark. The improvements are expected to last for several months, and some individuals may even enjoy the results for up to a year or more.

Patience is key, as Ultherapy stimulates natural healing processes for gradual and lasting improvements. Regular follow-ups and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain results.


Jowls and sagging skin are natural components of the aging process, but with advancements in medical aesthetics, we can now effectively address these concerns without resorting to surgical procedures.

Ultherapy stands as a remarkable option for those seeking a non-invasive solution to jowls, offering a customizable, collagen-boosting treatment that yields gradual and long-lasting results.

So, if you’re looking to rejuvenate your profile and embrace a more youthful you, Ultherapy could be the transformative journey you’ve been seeking.


Smooth Synergy. (n.d.). Ultherapy for Jowls & Lower Face Treatment. Retrieved from (Accessed Aug 3, 2023).

Russak Aesthetic Center. (Mar 31, 2019). Ultherapy Corrects Jowls & Sagging Skin. Retrieved from (Accessed Aug 3, 2023).

Radiance Medspa Wheaton. (May 23, 2021). Ultherapy: The Ideal Treatment for a Sagging Neck & Jowls. Retrieved from (Accessed Aug 3, 2023).

MD Aesthetics. (n.d.). Ultherapy. Retrieved from (Accessed Aug 3, 2023).

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