Unveiling Sculptra

The Long-Lasting Solution for Facial Volume and Wrinkles

Sculptra, a popular dermal filler, is known for its remarkable ability to restore facial volume and reduce wrinkles by stimulating the body’s collagen production. Its enduring effects make it stand out among other fillers, with results lasting up to two years or more, depending on factors like metabolism and lifestyle.

This article provides an overview of Sculptra, including its composition, how it works, what to expect during the procedure, expected results, duration, benefits, and potential risks.

Unveiling Sculptra: The Long-Lasting Solution for Facial Volume and Wrinkles - Wilderman Cosmetic Clinic

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What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is an injectable cosmetic filler used to restore facial volume lost due to aging or illness. It contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible and biodegradable synthetic substance.

This compound has been used in various medical applications for decades and is particularly effective in stimulating collagen production when injected into the skin.

Where is Sculptra injected?

Sculptra is typically injected into the deep dermis layer of the skin, depending on the treatment area.

It is primarily used on the face and common treatment areas include the cheeks, temples, chin, jawline, and areas around the mouth. However, it can also be used in other parts of the body, such as the hands, inner arms, chest area, buttocks, and upper knees.

It’s important to note that Sculptra should not be injected into the lips, forehead, or around the eyes, as these are more superficial areas not suitable for this type of filler.

How does it work?

Unlike traditional dermal fillers that add volume directly, Sculptra stimulates the body’s collagen production over time. PLLA particles are injected into the skin, where they gradually dissolve and trigger the growth of new collagen.

This collagen buildup helps to restore facial volume and smooth out wrinkles and folds from the inside out.

How common are dermal fillers with Sculptra?

While not as commonly used as some HA fillers for instant results, Sculptra is a popular long-term dermal filler option that can last up to 2 years or longer.

Who might opt for Sculptra treatment?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved option for facial rejuvenation and wrinkle correction. It is used to address various concerns, including:

Facial volume loss and wrinkles/folds caused by aging: Restores volume in areas like cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and chin due to aging.

Facial lipoatrophy in HIV/AIDS patients: Treats facial volume loss associated with lipodystrophy, common in HIV/AIDS patients.

Volume loss from dramatic weight loss: Restores facial volume and other areas post significant

weight loss.

Acne scars: Improves appearance of atrophic acne scars by stimulating collagen production.

Cellulite: Enhances skin texture and smoothness by injecting into cellulite-prone areas.

Stretch marks: Reduces appearance of stretch marks by boosting collagen levels.

Volume loss in buttocks: Offers non-surgical butt lift/augmentation.

Volume loss in other body areas like décolletage, arms, hands, knees: Addresses volume loss and wrinkles.

What to expect before a Sculptra treatment?

Before a Sculptra treatment, you should expect the following:

Medical history review:

  1. Provide your full medical history, including any allergies, to ensure you are a suitable candidate for Sculptra.
  2. Inform your provider if you are pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding, as Sculptra safety has not been established in these cases.
  3. Disclose any history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation, which may be a contraindication for Sculptra.
  4. Inform your provider if you are on any blood-thinning medications.

Pre-treatment instructions:

  1. Avoid certain medications and supplements that can increase bruising risk for 1 week before treatment, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, ginkgo biloba, garlic, green tea, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamins A and E.
  2. Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before treatment to minimize bruising.
  3. Discontinue the use of potentially irritating skincare products like retinoids, glycolic acid, and benzoyl peroxide for 2-3 days before treatment.
  4. Arrive with a clean face, free of makeup on the day of treatment.

What to expect during a Sculptra treatment?

During a Sculptra treatment, you can expect the following:

Injection process:

  • Sculptra is injected into the deep dermis layer of the skin using a very fine needle. The injections contain Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid or PLLA) mixed with a liquid solution, typically sterile water.
  • Multiple small injections are made in the targeted areas.
  • Your practitioner will likely start with a conservative amount of Sculptra during the first treatment session to avoid overfilling.
  • Topical numbing cream may be applied beforehand to minimize discomfort during injections.

Potential discomfort:

You may experience some pinching, stinging, or mild pain during the injections, but this is generally well-tolerated. Bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection sites are common and expected side effects.

Treatment duration:

  • The injection process itself typically takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated.
  • Your practitioner may massage the treated areas after injections to help distribute the Sculptra evenly.
  • Multiple treatment sessions
  • Sculptra treatments usually require a series of 2-4 sessions spaced about 4-6 weeks apart to achieve optimal results.
  • Your practitioner will evaluate your results at follow-up appointments and determine if additional Sculptra is needed.

What to expect after a Sculptra treatment?

Here is what you can expect after a Sculptra treatment:

Immediate after-effects

Swelling, redness, tenderness, bruising, and pain at the injection sites are common and expected side effects immediately after treatment.

Small lumps or bumps may be felt under the skin in the treated areas initially.

Post-treatment instructions

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for a few days after treatment to minimize swelling and bruising.
  • Apply cold compresses to the treated areas to help reduce swelling and discomfort.

Gradual results

Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Sculptra does not provide immediate volume restoration. Results develop gradually as Sculptra stimulates new collagen production over the following weeks and months.

Some subtle improvements may be visible within 4-6 weeks after the first treatment session. Full results typically take 3-6 months to be realized after the complete treatment series (usually 2-3 sessions).

Potential side effects

  1. Bruising, swelling, and redness can last for 7-14 days after each treatment.
  2. Small bumps or nodules under the skin may persist for several months before dissipating.
  3. Rare but potential side effects include skin discoloration, infection, or more severe lumps requiring treatment.

How long does Sculptra last?

Sculptra is considered one of the longer-lasting dermal filler options, with results counted in years rather than months like many hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Most patients can expect the results to last up to 2 years before needing a touch-up treatment.

What are the benefits of Sculptra treatment?

Here are the key benefits of Sculptra treatment:

  • Gradual and natural-looking results: Stimulates the body’s collagen production for a subtle increase in facial volume and wrinkle smoothing.
  • Long-lasting effects: Results can last up to 2 years or more, surpassing hyaluronic acid-based fillers.
  • Versatility in treatment areas: Restores volume and reduces wrinkles in various facial areas and can enhance other body parts like décolletage and buttocks.
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity: Boosts collagen production to enhance overall skin texture and may diminish acne scars and cellulite.
  • Safe and biocompatible: Contains poly-L-lactic acid, a safe synthetic material with minimal risk of allergic reactions.
  • Minimal downtime: Non-surgical procedure with little to no downtime, allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately


Sculptra stands out as a remarkable long-lasting solution for addressing facial volume loss and wrinkles. By stimulating the body’s collagen production, it offers gradual, natural-looking results that can last up to two years or more.

Its versatility extends beyond facial applications to various body areas, offering improvements in skin texture and elasticity. With its safety profile and minimal downtime, Sculptra emerges as a promising option for individuals non-surgical but seeking effective and enduring rejuvenation.

To explore if Sculptra is the right choice for you, schedule an appointment at our clinic today.


Cleveland Clinic. Sculptra: What You Need to Know.

Healthline. Sculptra: What You Should Know.

Sculptra Aesthetic. Official Website of Sculptra Aesthetic.

Michele S. Green, M.D. Sculptra: Facial Rejuvenation Treatment.

Sanofi. Press Releases.

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