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What is HydraFacial ©?

Microdermabrasion-like exfoliation paired with hydrating serums

Hydrafacial treatment is a popular and innovative skincare procedure that offers a comprehensive solution for improving the health and appearance of the skin. This non-invasive treatment combines multiple steps, including cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and infusion of beneficial serums, to achieve radiant and rejuvenated skin.

Whether you’re looking to address specific skin concerns or simply enhance the overall health and appearance of your skin, Hydrafacial treatment offers a soothing and effective solution that has gained popularity for its impressive results. With a series of treatments, you can enjoy the benefits of hydrated, refreshed, and youthful-looking skin.

HydraFacial Facial Treatment - A technology of facial treatment to cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate skin - Picture of a patient receiving Hydrafacial at our Medical Cosmetic Clinic

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What are the benefits?

Hydrafacial treatment offers several benefits for the skin. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Deep Cleansing and Extraction: The Hydrafacial device uses a unique suction mechanism to thoroughly cleanse the skin and extract impurities from the pores. This process helps to remove debris, dead skin cells, and excess oil, resulting in cleaner and clearer skin. Reducing congestion in the pores can minimize the occurrence of acne breakouts and blackheads.
  • Exfoliation and Skin Renewal: The exfoliation step in Hydrafacial involves the removal of the outer layer of dead skin cells. This gentle exfoliation process helps to reveal fresh, healthier skin underneath. Regular exfoliation through Hydrafacial can promote skin cell turnover, improve skin texture, and give a smoother and more refined complexion.
  • Hydration and Moisture Boost: Hydrafacial is renowned for its ability to deliver intense hydration to the skin. The treatment incorporates the infusion of hydrating serums that penetrate deeply into the skin, providing moisture and nutrients. This hydration boost helps to plump and nourish the skin, improving its overall appearance, reducing dryness, and enhancing the skin’s natural radiance.
  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Hydrafacial can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The combination of exfoliation, hydration, and the infusion of targeted serums promotes skin renewal and stimulates collagen production. Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, and by stimulating its production, Hydrafacial can help improve skin elasticity, and firmness, and reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improved Skin Tone and Texture: Hydrafacial addresses various skin texture and skin tone concerns. The exfoliation step helps to refine the skin’s texture by smoothing rough areas and reducing the appearance of unevenness. Additionally, the infusion of specialized serums can target hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and discoloration, leading to a more even and radiant complexion.
  • Enhanced Radiance and Brightness: Hydrafacial can restore the natural radiance and brightness of the skin. By removing dull and dead skin cells and replenishing the skin with hydrating and revitalizing serums, the treatment promotes a healthy glow and luminosity.
  • Customizable for Specific Concerns: One of the strengths of Hydrafacial is its customization options. The treatment can be tailored to address specific skin concerns, such as acne, oily skin, hyperpigmentation, or anti-aging. By selecting the appropriate serums and targeted solutions, skincare professionals can personalize the treatment to meet individual needs effectively.
  • Quick and Convenient: Hydrafacial is a time-efficient and convenient procedure. Depending on the customization and additional steps, the treatment can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. There is no downtime or recovery period required, allowing individuals to immediately resume their daily activities without interruption.

What happens during a Hydrafacial session?

During a Hydrafacial session, a specialized handheld device is used to deliver a series of patented Vortex-Fusion tips to the skin’s surface. These tips simultaneously cleanse and exfoliate the skin while infusing it with personalized serums tailored to address specific skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores.

The treatment utilizes a unique suction mechanism to gently remove debris and impurities from the pores, leaving the skin thoroughly cleansed and refreshed.

Unlike some other facial treatments, Hydrafacial is suitable for individuals with sensitive skin and does not cause redness or irritation. Many patients report noticeable improvements in their skin’s appearance immediately after the treatment, with results continuing to enhance over the following days.

Due to its gentle yet powerful nature, Hydrafacial has gained immense popularity in the realm of non-invasive skincare procedures. Its ability to deliver instant, visible results without discomfort or downtime has made it a preferred choice for individuals seeking a comprehensive and rejuvenating facial experience.

As always, consulting with a qualified skincare professional is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to individual skin needs.

Are you a good candidate?

While Hydrafacial is generally considered safe for most individuals, certain groups of people should exercise caution or avoid the procedure.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified skincare professional before undergoing Hydrafacial, especially if you fall into any of the following categories:

Is HydraFacial © right for you?

  • Pregnant or nursing women: Some of the serums used during Hydrafacial may contain ingredients that haven’t been extensively studied for their safety during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It’s advisable to postpone the procedure until after pregnancy or nursing.
  • Individuals with certain skin conditions: If you have active skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or active sunburn, you should avoid Hydrafacial, as the exfoliation and extraction steps may exacerbate these conditions.
  • Open wounds or infections: If you have open wounds, cold sores, infections, or lesions on your face, it’s best to wait until they are fully healed before undergoing Hydrafacial. The procedure may cause discomfort and potentially spread infection.
  • Recent facial surgery or procedures: If you’ve recently undergone facial surgery, laser treatments, or chemical peels, consult with a specialist before scheduling a Hydrafacial. They will advise you on the appropriate timing for the procedure.
  • Allergic reactions: If you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients used in the Hydrafacial serums, you should inform your practitioner before the treatment. They can adjust the serums to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Medications: Inform your skin care professional about any medications you are taking, as some medications may affect the suitability of the procedure or the choice of serums used during Hydrafacial.
  • Skin sensitivity: If you have very sensitive skin, you may experience some temporary redness or irritation after Hydrafacial. Be sure to discuss your skin type and any concerns with your practitioner.

For whom would this treatment be suitable?

Hydrafacial is generally suitable for individuals with various skin concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles: Hydrafacial can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting smoother skin.
  • Uneven skin tone: It can improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and sunspots.
  • Enlarged pores: The treatment can cleanse and unclog pores, reducing their size and improving skin texture.
  • Oily or congested skin: Hydrafacial’s exfoliation and extraction process can benefit individuals with oily or congested skin by removing excess oil and impurities.
  • Acne-prone skin: Hydrafacial can help manage acne by cleansing the skin, removing debris, and applying specialized serums to address acne-related issues.
  • Dull or dehydrated skin: It provides deep hydration and exfoliation, leaving the skin refreshed and rejuvenated, ideal for individuals with dull or dehydrated skin.
  • Sensitive skin: Hydrafacial is gentle and non-irritating, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. However, it’s essential to communicate your skin sensitivity to the practitioner.
  • Mild skin sagging: While not a substitute for surgical procedures, Hydrafacial can provide a temporary tightening effect, making it suitable for those with mild skin sagging.

Always consult with a qualified skincare professional to determine if Hydrafacial is appropriate for your specific skin concerns and conditions. They can customize the treatment to address your individual needs effectively.

The serums can be customized to your needs:

BrightAlive Boost

– Minimizes the appearance of discoloration and brightens skin tone for an instantly gratifying glow

Growth Factor Boost

– Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to restore skin health and vitality

DermaBuilder Boost

– Minimizes signs of aging and recharges skin with a patented combination of peptides

Britenol Boost

– Minimizes the appearance of dark spots and sun spots for an even complexion

The facial is versatile as it can be combined with other treatment techniques to enhance the results.

What are the precautions that need to be taken?

Here are the precautions to be taken:

  • Consultation: Have a consultation with a qualified practitioner to assess your skin type and discuss your concerns and expectations.
  • Medical history: Provide a comprehensive medical history, including allergies, medications, and any previous skin treatments.
  • Sun protection: Protect your skin from the sun by wearing hats and sunscreen. Your skin may be more sensitive after the procedure.
  • Avoid harsh products: Refrain from using harsh skincare products, exfoliants, or retinoids immediately after the treatment.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, which can enhance the results of the procedure.
  • Makeup: If possible, avoid wearing makeup for the rest of the day after the treatment to allow your skin to breathe.
  • Follow aftercare recommendations: Follow any specific aftercare recommendations provided by your practitioner, such as using recommended serums or moisturizers.
  • Avoid touching your Face: Try to avoid touching your face excessively to prevent transferring bacteria to the freshly treated skin.
  • Regular hygiene: Maintain regular facial hygiene routines but be gentle while cleansing your skin.
  • Follow-up: Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments as recommended by your practitioner to maintain the results.

Are there any side effects?

While Hydrafacial is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, like any cosmetic procedure, it can have some mild and temporary side effects. These effects are usually short-lived and resolve within a day or two. Common side effects may include:

  • Redness: Some redness may occur immediately after the procedure, but it usually subsides within a few hours.
  • Slight discomfort: During the extraction process, you might feel a mild pulling or tingling sensation, but it’s generally not painful.
  • Dryness: Your skin might feel slightly dry for a day or two after the treatment.
  • Tenderness: Your skin might be sensitive to touch immediately after the procedure, but this sensitivity should fade quickly.
  • Minor swelling: In some cases, there might be slight swelling, particularly around the eyes. This is usually temporary.
  • Breakouts: Some individuals might experience minor breakouts due to the skin purging impurities. This is temporary and part of the skin’s natural healing process.
  • Bruising: In rare cases, minor bruising might occur, especially if you are prone to bruising. This typically resolves within a few days.

It’s essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner to minimize the risk of these side effects. If you have concerns about the procedure or experience unusual or prolonged side effects, it’s important to contact your practitioner promptly.

What is the recovery process like?

After a Hydrafacial treatment, there is typically little to no recovery process or downtime. Immediate effects include refreshed, hydrated, and plump skin with improved texture and a radiant glow.

Some individuals may experience mild and temporary redness or sensitivity, which subsides within a few hours. Makeup can be applied shortly after the treatment, although it is recommended to let the skin breathe. Sun protection is important as the skin may be more sensitive to sunlight. Post-treatment skin care instructions may be provided, and long-term results, such as improved skin texture and tone, may become more noticeable in the following days.

Maintaining a consistent skincare routine and considering periodic maintenance treatments can help enhance and prolong the results. Individual experiences may vary, so consulting with a skincare professional is recommended for personalized advice.

How does Hydrafacial© work?

Cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, hydrates, and protects skin

Hydrafacial involves a combination of advanced technologies and specially formulated serums to achieve its rejuvenating effects on the skin:

1. Cleansing and exfoliation

The treatment begins with a physical and chemical exfoliation process. The HydraPeel tip exfoliates the skin’s surface mechanically, removing dead skin cells and debris. Simultaneously, chemical exfoliants in the serums break down impurities and further exfoliate the skin, promoting a smoother texture.

2. Extraction

The unique vortex suction mechanism suctions out impurities, such as blackheads, whiteheads, and excess oil, from the pores painlessly. This extraction step deeply cleanses the skin, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores and preventing acne breakouts.

3. Hydration and infusion

After exfoliation and extraction, the skin is infused with a blend of hydrating serums containing antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, a powerful moisturizing agent, binds moisture to the skin, keeping it plump and hydrated. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radical damage, while peptides support collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and firmness.

4. Protection

To complete the procedure, a protective serum, usually containing peptides and antioxidants, is applied to the skin. This helps maintain the skin’s newly rejuvenated state and protects it from environmental stressors.

How HydraFacial © works? - Infography showing HydraFacial scope of work

The combination of mechanical exfoliation, gentle suction, and infusion of tailored serums revitalizes the skin by removing impurities, promoting cell turnover, and enhancing hydration.

FAQ about HydraFacial Treatment

What can I expect during the treatment?

During a Hydrafacial treatment, here’s what you can generally expect:

  • Preparation: The skincare professional will prepare your skin by removing any makeup, oils, or impurities from the surface.
  • Cleansing: The treatment will begin with a thorough cleansing of your skin using a specialized device. This helps to remove surface impurities and prepare the skin for the subsequent steps.
  • Exfoliation: The next step involves gentle exfoliation of the skin using the Hydrafacial device. The device has a unique tip that sloughs off dead skin cells, revealing a smoother and brighter complexion underneath. The exfoliation is typically painless and comfortable.
  • Extraction: The device’s suction mechanism will be used to perform gentle extraction of impurities, debris, and blackheads from your pores. This step helps to unclog the pores and improve overall skin clarity. Many individuals find the extraction step to be satisfying and may feel a gentle pulling sensation on the skin.
  • Hydration and Serum Infusion: After the exfoliation and extraction, the device will deliver a customized blend of serums into your skin. These serums are selected based on your specific skin concerns and needs. The serums are infused into the skin using the vortex technology of the device, ensuring deep penetration and optimal absorption of the beneficial ingredients.
  • Additional Steps (Optional): Depending on your specific needs and preferences, additional steps may be incorporated into the treatment. For example, LED light therapy can be used to further enhance the results or target specific skin concerns like acne or inflammation.
  • Moisturization and Sunscreen: Finally, the skincare professional will apply moisturizers, serums, and sunscreen to protect and nourish your skin. They may also provide post-treatment skincare instructions to optimize the results and maintain the benefits of the treatment.

The duration of the Hydrafacial treatment can vary, typically taking around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the customization and additional steps involved. The treatment is generally comfortable and well-tolerated, with many individuals finding it relaxing and rejuvenating.

It’s important to communicate with your skincare professional during the treatment if you experience any discomfort or have specific concerns. They can adjust the treatment accordingly to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

What can I expect after the treatment?

After a Hydrafacial treatment, you can expect the following:

  • Immediate results: Your skin will look and feel refreshed immediately after the procedure, with improved texture and radiance.
  • No downtime: There is no downtime associated with Hydrafacial, allowing you to resume your regular activities right away.
  • Slight pinkness: Some individuals might experience mild pinkness, which usually subsides within an hour or two.
  • Hydrated skin: Your skin will feel deeply hydrated due to the infusion of nourishing serums during the treatment.
  • Makeup application: You can apply makeup immediately after the procedure if desired, as the skin is clean and prepped.
  • Continued improvement: Over the next few days, you may notice further improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall radiance.
  • Regular maintenance: Hydrafacial results can be prolonged with regular sessions, promoting ongoing skin health.

Remember to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner to maximize the benefits and maintain the results of your Hydrafacial treatment.

Is it painful?

Hydrafacial is generally not painful. Most people report feeling a slight suction sensation and a gentle exfoliation during the procedure, but it’s not uncomfortable.

The treatment is designed to be soothing and relaxing, providing a comfortable experience for the majority of individuals. However, pain tolerance varies from person to person, so if you have concerns about discomfort, it’s advisable to communicate with your practitioner beforehand.

They can adjust the treatment settings or provide additional numbing options to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

How long does the treatment take?

A Hydrafacial treatment typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to complete. It’s a relatively quick and efficient procedure, making it convenient for individuals with busy schedules. Despite its speed, Hydrafacial delivers immediate and noticeable results, making it a popular choice for those seeking effective and time-efficient skin rejuvenation.

What type of serums are used?

There are four types of serums offered by HydraFacial©. They each contain active nutrients and anti-aging benefits:

BrightAlive Boost – Minimizes the appearance of discoloration and brightens skin tone for an instantly gratifying glow
Growth Factor Boost – Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to restore skin health and vitality
DermaBuilder Boost – Minimizes signs of aging and recharges skin with a patented combination of peptides
Britenol Boost – Minimizes the appearance of dark spots and sun spots for an even complexion

How long do the results last?

The results of a Hydrafacial treatment are immediate and noticeable, giving your skin a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance right after the procedure. However, the longevity of the results can vary depending on several factors, including your individual skin type, lifestyle, and skincare routine.

On average, the results of a single Hydrafacial treatment can last for about 5 to 7 days. For more lasting effects, many people opt for monthly Hydrafacial sessions, which can help maintain the improvements and provide ongoing skin rejuvenation.

Additionally, Hydrafacial’s long-term benefits, such as improved skin texture, reduced fine lines, and enhanced elasticity, develop gradually with repeated sessions. For these cumulative benefits, regular treatments every 4 to 6 weeks are often recommended.

Can this be used in combination with other treatments?

Yes, Hydrafacial can be used in combination with other treatments to enhance overall skin rejuvenation. Its non-invasive nature makes it a versatile option for complementary procedures. Some common combinations include:

  • Chemical Peels: Hydrafacial can prepare the skin by cleansing and exfoliating, making it an ideal precursor to chemical peels for deeper exfoliation and skin renewal.
  • Microdermabrasion: Hydrafacial can be combined with microdermabrasion for enhanced exfoliation, promoting smoother skin texture and improved product penetration.
  • Laser Therapy: Hydrafacial can prepare the skin for laser treatments, ensuring a clean surface for the laser to target specific concerns like pigmentation or fine lines.
  • Botox and Dermal Fillers: Hydrafacial can be performed before or after these injectable treatments to prepare the skin or enhance the results by promoting a smooth, hydrated complexion.
  • PRP Therapy: Combining Hydrafacial with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can enhance collagen stimulation and improve skin texture, promoting a youthful glow.

When considering combination treatments, it’s essential to consult with a qualified skincare professional. They can assess your skin’s needs, customize a treatment plan, and sequence the procedures effectively for optimal results. This tailored approach ensures safety and maximizes the benefits of each treatment.

Is there any scientific research to support this treatment?

Yes, there is scientific research and clinical data supporting the effectiveness and safety of Hydrafacial treatments (Freedman, 2008). A recent study showed the efficacy and tolerability of HydraFacial treatment in people with acne (Storgard et al., 2022). The studies demonstrated notable improvements in skin conditions.


Hydrafacial is an advanced skincare treatment that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and protection to rejuvenate the skin. It offers immediate results, addressing various skin concerns without downtime.

However, individuals with specific health conditions or allergies should consult professionals before undergoing the procedure. Hydrafacial’s customizable nature and gentle yet effective approach make it a popular choice for individuals seeking non-invasive, comprehensive skin rejuvenation.


Freedman BM. Hydradermabrasion: an innovative modality for nonablative facial rejuvenation. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2008 Dec;7(4):275-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2008.00406.x. PMID: 19146604.

Storgard R, Mauricio-Lee J, Mauricio T, Zaiac M, Karnik J. Efficacy and Tolerability of HydraFacial Clarifying Treatment Series in the Treatment of Active Acne Vulgaris. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2022 Dec;15(12):42-46. PMID: 36569524; PMCID: PMC9762628.

Healthline. (Dec 9, 2020). What Is HydraFacial? Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-hydrafacial (Accessed Oct 27, 2023).

Everyday Health. (Jan 13, 2022). What Is a HydraFacial? How It Works, Benefits, Risks, and Where to Get One. Retrieved from https://www.everydayhealth.com/skin-beauty/what-is-a-hydrafacial-how-it-works-benefits-risks-and-where-to-get-one/ (Accessed Oct 27, 2023).

Storgard R, Mauricio-Lee J, Mauricio T, Zaiac M, Karnik J. Efficacy and Tolerability of HydraFacial Clarifying Treatment Series in the Treatment of Active Acne Vulgaris. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2022 Dec;15(12):42-46. PMID: 36569524; PMCID: PMC9762628.

Clair Skin Clinic. Top 8 Benefits of a HydraFacial. Retrieved from https://www.clairskin.in/blog/top-8-benefits-of-a-hydraFacial/. Accessed on May 25, 2023.

Healthline. What Is a HydraFacial? Procedure, Benefits, and More. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-hydrafacial#hydra-facial-steps. Accessed on May 25, 2023.

Everyday Health. What Is a HydraFacial? How It Works, Benefits, Risks, and Where to Get One. Retrieved from https://www.everydayhealth.com/skin-beauty/what-is-a-hydrafacial-how-it-works-benefits-risks-and-where-to-get-one/. Accessed on May 25, 2023.

Hydrafacial: Insights and Key Information

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