First 20 units of botulinum toxin just for $85

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Niharika Mandal
Ph.D. in Biotechnology and over four years of experience as a medical writer. Her expertise includes writing and editing clinical documents such as protocols, clinical study reports, patient narratives, and manuscripts, in compliance with regulatory guidelines.

Sculpt Your Jawline: The Magic of Botox

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and wished for a more defined, sculpted jawline, you’re not alone. Let’s talk about a hot trend that’s shaping up more than just faces: Botox for the jawline.

Buckle up as we delve into the nitty-gritty of this cosmetic procedure which helps to slim and contour the jaw, creating a more tapered and balanced facial profile.

Sculpt Your Jawline: The Magic of Botox - Wilderman Cosmetic Clinic

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What Exactly is a Downturned Mouth?

A square jawline is characterized by a facial structure where the lower jaw extends outward on either side, resulting in a broad or robust appearance. This is often a result of the enlargement of the masseter muscles located at the bottom of the jaw. These muscles, responsible for chewing, can grow in size due to habits such as teeth grinding (bruxism), frequent chewing, or other repetitive actions.

A square jawline is often associated with a more masculine appearance, so some women may view it as an undesirable feature while others may love it.

What is the cause of a square jawline?

The primary factors contributing to a square jawline are:

  • Genetics and inherent facial bone structure.
  • Enlargement or excessive development of the masseter muscles due to activities such as teeth grinding, over-chewing, etc.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Dental issues like misaligned teeth.
  • Facial bone injuries or jaw fractures.

Contour jawline with Botox!

If you’re looking to soften your jawline without surgery, Botox could be the solution for you. This popular treatment is not just for smoothing wrinkles; it can also be used to slim and contour the jawline.

Botox injections into the masseter muscles can reduce their size and prominence, creating a slimmer and more defined jawline.

Who’s an ideal candidate?

When you’re considering Botox for your jawline, the doctor will typically assess a few things to determine if you’re a good candidate:

  1. Your current jawline shape and size
  2. Overall facial structure and symmetry
  3. Your aesthetic goals and desired outcome
  4. Medical history, including past cosmetic procedures and medical conditions
  5. The strength and size of your masseter muscles
  6. Any potential contraindications or risks associated with the procedure

How does Botox work on the jawline?

Botox injections target the masseter (chewing) muscles on both sides of the jaw. By doing so, these muscles are temporarily weakened and relaxed. When the masseter muscles are in a relaxed state, they appear less bulky and prominent. This results in a slimming effect on the overall jawline and lower face.

Consequently, it enhances the definition of a V-shaped jawline contour, particularly for individuals with naturally square or masculine jawlines.

Benefits of Botox for jawline

Benefits of Botox jawline contouring include:

  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive, meaning little downtime.
  • Gradual slimming and contouring of the jawline over 2-3 months as the Botox takes effect.
  • Potential reduction in teeth grinding (bruxism) by relaxing the masseter muscles.
  • It provides a more heart-shaped or oval facial appearance, enhancing overall facial harmony.

Ready to sculpt your jawline?

Book a personalized Botox treatment plan session now and explore your options for a more defined profile. CALL AND GET YOUR PLAN NOW

What to expect before the procedure?

  1. Consultation: Discuss your goals and concerns with your provider to set realistic expectations.
  2. Medical History: Be prepared to talk about your medical history, medications, and previous treatments.
  3. Procedure Details: Your practitioner will explain the procedure, potential risks, required units of Botox, cost, and potential number of treatments needed.
  4. Medication Adjustments: You may need to avoid certain medications or supplements that can increase bruising before treatment.

What to expect during the procedure?

What to expect after the procedure?

  1. Recovery: You can resume normal activities immediately, but avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours.
  2. Potential Side Effects: Expect potential side effects like bruising, swelling, or tenderness at injection sites initially.
  3. Results Timeline: Results gradually appear over 3-14 days, with maximum results around 2 weeks.
  4. Follow-Up: Follow-up appointments allow your practitioner to assess results and provide any needed touch-ups.

How Long Do the Results Last?

Results typically become noticeable within a few weeks and can last for 3-6 months, depending on the individual. To maintain your results, you’ll need to schedule regular touch-up treatments.

Possible side effects

Common Side Effects:

  • Pain, swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection site
  • Headache
  • Flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, body aches)
  • Neck pain or muscle stiffness
  • Difficulty or discomfort when swallowing
  • Nausea

Effects on Surrounding Areas:

  • Crooked or lopsided smile if Botox spreads to smile muscles
  • Drooling or excessive drooling
  • Muscle weakness in areas near the injection site

Rare But Serious Side Effects:

  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing if toxin spreads
  • Vision problems like double vision or droopy eyelids
  • Loss of bladder control
  • General muscle weakness throughout the body
  • Allergic reactions like rash, itching, swelling of face/lips/throat

Most side effects are mild and temporary, resolving within a few days to weeks. However, immediate medical attention is necessary for signs of toxin spread, allergic reaction, or breathing/swallowing difficulties. Proper injection technique by an experienced practitioner and following post-treatment precautions can help minimize risks.


Botox jawline contouring is a safe and effective way to achieve a more sculpted jawline without surgery. If you’re interested in this treatment, be sure to consult with a qualified injector. You can also book an appointment at our clinic to discuss your options and determine if it’s right for you.

Eager to redefine your facial contours?

Dive into the world of Botox jawline contouring with our expert team. Book a Personalized Treatment Plan Session “For Free”


Kwon, KH., Shin, K.S., Yeon, S.H. et al. Application of botulinum toxin in maxillofacial field: part I. Bruxism and square jaw. Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg 41, 38 (2019).

Rathod NN, John RS. Botulinum Toxin Injection for Masseteric Hypertrophy Using 6 Point Injection Technique – A Case Report. Proposal of a Clinical Technique to Quantify Prognosis. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2023 Mar 21;15:45-49. doi: 10.2147/CCIDE.S396057. PMID: 36974260; PMCID: PMC10039629.

Beautox Bar. Square Jawline and Facial Slimming: A Guide.

London Lip Clinic. Masseter Botox: About the Procedure and Safety.

Healthline. Masseter Botox: What You Need to Know.

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