Can I use Hyaluronic Acid Every Day?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the human body and is beneficial for both skin and joint health. It has numerous anti-aging properties, which is why it’s widely used in skincare products.

Hyaluronic acid skin benefits

Using hyaluronic acid (HA) regularly can improve the quality of the skin and decrease signs of skin aging.1 Research has shown that the use of HA more than once per day enhances skin benefits.1

HA is a naturally occurring substance within our bodies that helps lubricate and hydrate the skin by assisting the transfer of water and essential skin-strengthening nutrients across cells.

HA plays a significant role in contributing to our skin’s moisture and plumpness.

Hyaluronic Acid: Can I use It Every Day? - Image of a Woman Smiling

Unfortunately, we lose this substance naturally in our body

Unfortunately, the loss of our body’s internal production of this substance begins as early as our 20s.1 Not only does our rate of HA production slow as we age, but outside factors can also impact how our skin looks and feels.

Some of these factors include environmental conditions like:

  • excessive UV ray exposure,
  • lifestyle habits like poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise,
  • unmanaged stresses,
  • and certain diseases.1

Anti-aging products

Many individuals look to cosmetic products and procedures to fight the effects of aging. However, it’s essential that the treatments and products used are backed by research. The benefits of hyaluronic acid use include

  • increased moisture and hydration,
  • skin elasticity,
  • looking refreshed,
  • and reduced fine lines and wrinkles.1

Hyaluronic acid for your skin

While hyaluronic acid is the most popular injectable dermal filler ingredient, benefits also exist when using it topically.

Applying HA to the skin can improve skin moisture and elasticity, and when paired with other evidence-based ingredients, can help protect against the signs of aging.1

How effective is it?

In a recent study comparing the effects of using an HA serum with Botox vs a control group that only used Botox, the HA group experienced greater improvements in their skin.1

Both groups also received sunscreen with SPF 50 to use daily as this is critical for healthy skin no matter the product or treatment.

How does topical hyaluronic acid work?

Hyaluronic acid exists at different molecular weights – low or high, both serving a beneficial purpose for the skin. For example, high-weight HA molecules do not permeate the skin and therefore help hydrate the skin’s outer layers.1

Conversely, lower-weight HA molecules have increased permeability and thus reach deeper layers.1

In general, hyaluronic acid molecules have strong water absorption properties and increase hydration in all layers of the skin.1 The use of various molecular weights of HA can provide the greatest skin improvements.1

Hyaluronic acid for healing

Hyaluronic acid also offers healing properties, with topical HA used to treat acute wounds such as burns, diabetic foot, and post-surgical scars.1 Research also shows that skin appears more damaged with decreased HA in the skin.1

Products containing hyaluronic acid can work to support healthy tissue regeneration.

With cosmetic procedures

Fillers, microneedling, and chemical peels

Research shows that the use of topical HA twice daily for about a month post-procedure of fillers, microneedling, and chemical peels helped provide the following benefits:

  • improved hydration,
  • firmness,
  • tonicity,
  • and elasticity.1


Using a topical hyaluronic acid after Botox has been shown to provide improvements in the skin.

A recent study showed the beneficial effects of using HA with Botox, including follow-up after 6 months.1 These participants used HA twice daily after their Botox treatment for 24 weeks and saw improvements such as:

  • reduced fine lines and wrinkles,
  • improved skin texture and radiance,
  • and better skin tone and elasticity.1

Finally, the study showed that applying a topical hyaluronic acid after Botox helped to prolong the benefits of Botox.1

Daily hyaluronic acid or not?

Using hyaluronic acid daily provides several benefits for improving skin appearance. Studies have shown that it helps fight signs of aging and improves the quality of the skin’s appearance.

It is worth adding a topical HA to one’s daily skincare routine.

Recommended products containing hyaluronic acid can be found at the following link:


Bravo B, Correia P, Gonçalves Junior JE, Sant’Anna B, Kerob D. Benefits of topical hyaluronic acid for skin quality and signs of skin aging: From literature review to clinical evidence. Dermatologic Therapy. 2022: e15903.

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