Non-Surgical Facelift Treatments

Want facelift results without going under the knife?

We’ve got you covered. Non-surgical facelifts are aesthetic procedures to rejuvenate your skin through a single type of treatment or a combination of treatments that are non-invasive.

The goal of these treatments is to transform your skin into the younger and smoother appearance you’ve dreamed about. Unlike a true facelift, downtime is minimal and patients experience little to no discomfort.

Non-Surgical Facelift Treatments - Woman and Cosmetic Treatment results

Every patient is unique, meaning their skin goals and needs are unique. Different treatments will work better for different patients, which is why your first appointment will consist of a consultation with our aesthetician.

What is going to happen during your consultation?

During your consultation, we will create a personalized treatment plan based on your unique skin goals and needs.

There are many non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments available to treat and improve deep creases, fine lines, thinning lips, lax skin, large pores, sunken cheeks, acne scarring, and treatment of loss of facial volume as well.

Let’s dive into our ultimate guide for the top three non-surgical facelift treatments: Ultherapy, Morpheus8, and Thread Lift Instalift.

Ultherapy - A non-surgical facelift treatment


Ultherapy is considered a non-surgical facelift treatment. This skin rejuvenation treatment revitalizes your body’s collagen production.

Ultherapy will improve your overall skin health and prevent wrinkles and sagging on the face, around your eyes, neck, and chest.

How does it work?

Through time-tested ultrasound technology, Ultherapy generates a thermal effect under your skin. This effect essentially stimulates your body’s natural process to create new collagen.

Through focused imaging, our Ultherapy expert is able to visualize the actual layers of skin tissue being treated. This ensures that the energy is delivered to the areas most in need and most beneficial for you.

Before Treatment:

Special preparations are not required before your Ultherapy Treatment. Your daily routine does not need to be interrupted, whether it be work, exercise, eating, or drinking.

  1. Arrive at your appointment makeup free and be sure your face, neck, or chest (any area being treated) is clean and no cream or moisturizer has been applied.
  2. There should be no makeup applied to your skin before ultherapy treatment.
  3. Please let your aesthetician know if you are taking any antibiotics or medication.

The Treatment Process:

  • During your non-surgical facelift treatment, our ‘ultherapist’ will examine the area being treated, clean it,  and map out the target area on your skin.
  • Ultrasound gel is then applied and then using a wand, ultrasonic energy will be introduced to your skin.
  • As a result, controlled heat will be generated in different layers of the skin that will trigger extra collagen production.
  • The facelift treatment will take approximately 1 to 2 hours.

After Treatment:

With Ultherapy, there is no downtime.

You may experience some minor temporary side effects such as swelling, redness, and bruising.

Because the procedure stimulates a person’s own collagen production, the results depend on the individual. Results appear over two or three months, gradually improving in the following six months.

Results last more than a year and A follow-up treatment may be required depending on the aging process, which varies by individual.


Morpheus8 is a newer and more advanced method that delivers Non-Surgical Facelift results.

This treatment option uses microneedling and radiofrequency to tighten skin and smooth wrinkles on your face and body.

As you may already know (or are currently experiencing), when we start getting older our skin begins to lose its natural elasticity. Morpheus8 stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis to counteract that aging process.

Before Treatment:

Special preparations are not required before your Morpheus8 Treatment. Your daily routine does not need to be interrupted, whether it be work, exercise, eating, or drinking.

Morpheus8 for Acne Treatment - Woman under treatment

Arrive at your appointment makeup free and be sure your face, neck, or chest (any area being treated) is clean and no cream or moisturizer has been applied. There should be no makeup applied to your skin before your treatment.

Please let your aesthetician know if you are taking any antibiotics or medication.

The Treatment Process:

Before this non-surgical procedure begins, our expert will apply a numbing cream to help dilute any discomfort one may experience during the treatment.

Morpheus8 comes with twenty-four micro needles that are injected into the targeted area. These microneedles can be injected at different depths which allows us to provide customized treatment to our patients based on their different skin requirements.

Your Morpheus8 treatment will take approximately 1 to 2 hours.

After Treatment Symptoms:

After your treatment, you may experience some swelling, tenderness, bruising, and/or redness.

These symptoms should not last more than a few days. However, your recovery period solely depends on the intensity of your personalized treatment and your skin type.

We recommend protecting your skin from sun and pollution by using sunscreen or other alternatives, as your skin will be more sensitive after the treatment. Patient downtime is minimal, therefore makeup can be applied 1 or 2 days after the procedure.

Morpheus8 Results

Optimal results usually require three to six sessions. Results mainly depend upon your skin’s capability of producing collagen.

Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks, the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue to appear up to three months after your treatment.

Morpheus8 results last about a year and annual follow-up sessions will be required in order to maintain ramped-up collagen production.

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